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GeSyso Geosynthetic Tubes Lekki Nigeria

Installation of Geosynthetic Tubes by Boskalis at Lekki in Lagos, Nigeria

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Dangote Oil Refining Company (DORC) is setting up a green field refinery, polypropylene plant and fertilizer plant planned at 30 nautical miles east of Lagos, Nigeria. To provide Ocean access to a RoRo Jetty facility, an access channel, turning circle and basin need to be dredged, to be protected by a Breakwater Structure.
CDR International was contracted to design (and supervise) the works (project). With the assistance of GeSySo and Huesker Synthetic, a beach protection solution was designed, consisting of a geosynthetic tube and geotextile apron. The solution will be completely covered by sand, and work as a hidden beach protection. Construction is ongoing by Boskalis. The construction works started in October 2017 and will be finished in the summer of 2018.

GeSySo Commonwealth War Cemetery Sierra Leone Geo Engineering 2018-02-28

Construction of Gabion Seawall at Commonwealth War Cemetery in Sierra Leone

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King Tom Commonwealth War Cemetery is situated on the coast of Sierra Leone in Freetown. The cemetery has suffered substantial damage during unprecedented local flooding in Freetown, in mid-2015; in effect, the water from the rest of the city was channelled through the site due to structurally inadequate and blocked drainage at the front of the location. Most of damage was caused to the sea wall itself by water pressure from the rear and there was little impact on the graves or the memorial.
CDR International was contracted to design a solution and supervise the execution of the works (project). With the help of Admir Technologies, CDR designed a new seawall made of a gabion gravity structure. Admir Technologies supplied the gabion structure and the geotextile filter behind the gabion sea defence. The contractor Dawnus International executed the works.

Ajah Retaining Wall 4019 SML

Ajah Flyover Construction Along Lekki Epe Expressway

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 Ajah-Flyover-Bridge SML Ajah Retaining Wall 4015 SML Ajah Flyover Project Board SML

In June 2016 the construction of the Ajah flyover started in Lagos. Hitech Construction Company, part of the Chagoury group of companies, is constructing the geosynthetic reinforced soil retaining structures for the Lagos State Government. The design of the retaining structures and supply of geosynthetics was made by GeSySo in cooperation with Huesker Synthetic. The prefabricated panels are constructed by the Chagoury group.
The works are ongoing.