GeSySo provides solutions for:
- Asphalt reinforcement to prevent reflective cracking: rehabilitation of asphalt pavements and concrete pavements
- Base reinforcement to increase bearing capacity of base courses and to reduce deformations and rutting: temporary roads and working platforms, permanent roads and pavements, railway base courses

Temporary Roads
- Increases bearing capacity
- Bridges inhomogeneities
- Significantly reduces rutting
- Allows installation of pavements on very soft ground

- Ensures adequate bearing capacity, even where safety requirements are high
- Accommodates differential settlement
- Prevents twisting of track

Permanent Roads
- Increases bearing capacity
- Extends service life of roads
- Allows reduction of layer thicknesses

Working Platforms | Wind Turbines
- Allows accommodation of heavy loads, even on problematic subgrades
- Reduces thickness of or eliminates need for soil replacement
- Fast and simple construction