GeSySo designs and supplies geosynthetic systems and solutions for hydraulic engineering applications. The service includes designs, feasibility studies, system solutions, project-specific solutions, construction drawings and on-site installation support. Areas of applications are:
- Coastal engineering: breakwaters, revetments, bank protection, dams and dikes
- Waterways: canal linings, erosion control solutions, dams and dikes, bed and scour protection
- Water bodies: lining and erosion control solutions, bank protection
Dewatering: sludge dewatering by geosynthetic tube containers

- Filtration-stable constructions with reduced layer thicknesses
- Separation and filtration function within element and reinforcing function at base
- Allows use of locally sources materials

Bank Protection
- Wide-ranging stabilization options, from rigid/coherent to flexible
- Filtration-stable constructions
- Allows use of locally sourced fill materials

- Variety of cost-effective lining solutions available
- Eco-friendly integration in natural setting
- Combined waterproofing and erosion control function

Dams and Dikes
- Optimization of dam geometries
- Erosion-resistant dike design
- Surface erosion protection
- Dike lining