The Earthworks and Foundations solutions concern geosynthetic products, systems and solutions for ground and foundation engineering applications. We can supply both standardized systems and custom made solutions, depending on your needs.
The Walls and slopes segment focuses on geosynthetic reinforced retaining structures for noise bunds, bridge abutments, earth pressure relief constructions and the like.
The Embankments segment focuses on solutions for embankment foundations.
- Walls and slopes: geosynthetic reinforced soil systems (GRS)
- Embankments: on soft soils, on piles, on geosynthetic encased columns (GEC), over sinkholes

Embankment on Soft Soil
- Ensures global and local stability
- Shortens waiting times for consolidation
- Allows steeper slopes (smaller base width, lower volume of fill)
- Accommodates differential settlement

Embankment on Piles
- Allows larger pile grid and smaller pile caps
- Obviates need for raked piles at perimeters due to accommodation of lateral spread by reinforcement

Geotextile Encased Columns
- Ensures column integrity in extreme soft ground, thereby providing a stable foundation for embankments
- Columns act as “mega-drains” and considerably reduce consolidation times
- Lowers burden on soft soils, thereby reducing creep settlement
- Columns are permeable

Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil
- Allows creation of extra-steep slopes
- Resistant to settlement
- Flexible design
- Straightforward and rapid construction
- Various landscaping options available for slope face
- Low-cost construction

Bridging of Sinkholes
- Temporary and permanent protection of sites prone to sinkholes
- Due to their extra-high tensile strength and stiffnesses, HUESKER products can also protect against larger sinkholes
- Low-cost alternative to reinforced-concrete solutions